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NIH Public Access: Managing Compliance

NCBI's My Bibliography

When linked to an eRA Commons account, My Bibliography allows eRA Commons users who have awarded grants in their portfolio to do the following:

  • Check to see whether their publications are compliant with the NIH Public Access Policy
  • Start the compliance process
  • Associate their publications to NIH extramural awards


Anyone submitting an application, proposal, or report to the NIH must include the PubMed Central reference number (PMCID) when citing applicable papers that arise from their NIH-funded research.

The PMCID (when assigned) can be found in PubMed. Articles that do not yet have a PMCID are provisionally compliant for up to 3 months after publication, and will have a status of "in process at NIHMS" or "PMC Journal in Process" (methods A and B) prior to receiving a PMCID, after which they will be coded as "Complete."

NIH awardees are responsible for ensuring that all steps of the NIHMS submission process are complete, including having the PMCID assigned, within 3 months of the publication of the article. Articles are non-compliant if they do not have a PMCID 3 months after the publication date.