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Business Hours:
The Maguire Medical Library offices are located in the College of Medicine (COM), on the northwest side of the FSU campus at W. Call Street and Stadium Drive. Our campus mail code is 4300.
Designate the Charlotte Edwards Maguire Medical Library for your gift to the FSU Foundation.
In the FSU Foundation site, scroll to the bottom and search for Medical Library or Fund F07192.
Thank you for your support!
PARTNER with FSU College of Medicine and associated colleagues in the areas of education, research, electronic collections, and open access initiatives.
FOSTER an environment of collaboration and encourage personal and professional growth.
EDUCATE AND EMPOWER health care professionals to discover and advance knowledge through evidence, research, and information at the point of need.
STRENGTHEN research at FSU, with an emphasis on topics that impact elder, rural, minority, underprivileged, and underserved populations.
PROVIDE attentive service that demonstrates a commitment to excellence and delivers beyond expectations.
The Maguire Medical Library supports the curriculum and research objectives of the College of Medicine and FSU through our extensive resource collection and a library team with expertise to meet the needs of clinical medicine and health sciences.
The medical library empowers clients to discover new information, advance knowledge, and strengthen research at FSU with an emphasis on elder, rural, minority, underprivileged, and underserved populations.
About our collection
The Charlotte Edwards Maguire Medical Library’s collection of medical and clinical resources are near 100% digital, and are available to students, residents, faculty, researchers, and staff with an active appointment with the Florida State University and the College of Medicine from any location, at any time, from any device with an internet connection and browser capabilities. As of last assessment, the evolving collection of library resources at FSU includes approximately 500K academic journal subscriptions, 1.5M e-books, and 850 research databases, many of which are exclusive to medicine, nursing, and interdisciplinary fields in the health sciences. Interlibrary loan services are available for items existing outside of the FSU libraries’ collection. When help is needed, medical librarians are available during normal business hours, and typically respond to afterhours inquiries within one business day, unless notice is provided otherwise. The medical library also has an extensive collection of frequently asked questions on our website, enabling users to answer many common questions independently, as needed. Library users also have access to other campus libraries, as needed, including the Robert Manning Strozier Library, the Dirac Science Library, and the FSU College of Law Research Center.
The Maguire Medical Library and Florida State University Libraries share access to most institutionally licensed resources university-wide. Exceptions include select clinical tools that require individual login credentials, such as certain mobile resources and board exam study guides. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of medicine and scientific research, the licensing of electronic resources for the entire university ensures that our peers and colleagues in other colleges and departments at FSU have access to the same resources, particularly e-journals, e-books, and research databases, regardless of their appointment or academic home within the university. Grant researchers are encouraged to use the library collections for their research, and should contact the medical library director for assistance if there are additional resources needed to support grant-funded research, as those will need to be written into the grant to secure funds for purchase.