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Business Hours:
After Hours (or 24/7 Card-Swipe) Library Access refers to card-swipe access to the medical library space during unstaffed hours; before 8:00am and after 5:00pm on weekdays, and any time on weekends. After Hours access is a privilege and is intended for individual access and study, therefore After Hours access to the library is limited to COM Students and COM Full-Time Faculty & Staff. All students must sign the Medical Library 24/7 Access Agreement before receiving After Hours access to the library; the agreement is usually distributed and signed during student orientations. All users (students/faculty/staff) are expected to follow the safety information and professional guidelines outlined in the Medical Library 24/7 Access Agreement; failure to do so may result in After Hours access being temporarily or permanently revoked.
Below is a copy of the Medical Library 24/7 Access Agreement for reference purposes only.
To request After Hours access to the library, please follow the appropriate instructions in the Library Patron After Hours Access & Access Requests below.
Only medical, bridge, physician assistant, and biomedical sciences graduate students may request 24/7 access to the medical library during unstaffed hours. New students must complete the Medical Library 24/7 Access Agreement form to gain 24/7 library access; this form is usually signed and completed during new student orientations. If a student did not receive After Hours access to the medical library, they can submit a request for access. To request After Hours access to the library, students must submit a Building Access Request form, and complete the Medical Library 24/7 Access Agreement section in the form; see Students - After Hours Access Request Instructions below.
Those in the library who are not authorized for After Hours access will be asked to leave the library space before closing at 5 p.m.
All full-time COM faculty and staff are granted 24/7 card-swipe access to the medical library space upon hiring. New FSU COM full-time hires must obtain a FSU Card and complete onboarding procedures before receiving card-swipe access to the medical library. Contact your department representative, or Administrative Services, for more information regarding card-swipe access setup.
If you have not received After Hours access to the medical library and would like to request access, follow the instructions below to submit a request for After Hours access.