Now that EndNote 20 is set up, it's time to start adding your references. There are two methods for adding references to EndNote: Import or Manual. Importing references is the preferred method as it is quick, easy, and less prone to mistakes. However, there will be times when a reference has to be added manually—print books, video transcripts, email correspondence, etc. The instructions for adding references to EndNote by both methods are available below.
Importing is the recommended method for adding references to the EndNote Library. This method allows users to download a specialized file-type that imports references into EndNote in the proper format. The Import method also allows users to 'batch' import large numbers of references at one time.
References can be manually added to an EndNote Library by the user. However, this method of adding references is not recommended since it is labor-intensive and prone to formatting errors. References can be manually added to EndNote if there is no way to import the desired reference; i.e. referencing a chapter in a print book, emailed correspondence, a video transcript, etc.
EndNote 20 can automatically find full text articles and save the PDFs in your EndNote library. While this walk-through uses PC images, instructions will work for both Mac and PC. Please note that this process may not retrieve full text for every reference.
In the OpenURL Path, copy/paste:
In the URL field, copy/paste:
A small drop-down menu should appear under groups that says Find Full Text. Underneath, you can see how many articles EndNote is still searching for, how many PDFs it has found, how many URL links it has found, and how many PDFs have not been found.